Money... for Poets
I have always enjoyed characterizations of entry level math classes for non-science or engineering majors as "Math for Poets". Teaching subjects of importance to non-specialist is really one of the most important challenges of higher education. Perhaps the topic of money is more universal than others in that all vocations and careers have to deal with it in some form or another. Nonetheless, the fact that money "makes the world go round" does not make its character any easier to understand. In fact, when I cover the topic, I tell my students that exploring the origins of money in the modern system of fractional reserve banking is rather like probing the Matrix. At first you can't really believe that society can be based on such a purely constructed apparition.
The following animation has been exceptionally helpful in explaining where money comes from. The first two-thirds of the film explain the simple fact that most money in our system of commerce has its origins in the creation of debt. The film then departs onto slightly shaker ground, when it offers solutions to debt-based money. Still, the clear explanation of money is quite welcome and can be understood... even by poets.
The following animation has been exceptionally helpful in explaining where money comes from. The first two-thirds of the film explain the simple fact that most money in our system of commerce has its origins in the creation of debt. The film then departs onto slightly shaker ground, when it offers solutions to debt-based money. Still, the clear explanation of money is quite welcome and can be understood... even by poets.